Gathering & Display
Idea / Process
Jin Jung
Three example of contemporary gathering and display
We presented our work. the next group of people came and tried to fit in the data they had collected. Some people were confuse with m3/kw and we admit that it didn't work for us as well. It was for the people who had the meter reading. but we were confused by ourself, But the remaining part work well. That was only the mistake we could figure out.
we had to go to another groups display and try to work out their display with the data we had gathered it so so hard to understand we didn't even know what the number got to do. we first thought it as a time of a clock, but then we realize and thought that a clock has 24 hours so it was very confusing. even their chart were small a4 size so it was difficult for us to work out. we also had to bring our own pin an use it.
well it didn't work out well. we thought it might be this way: the number of time we used electors for different think we put in the number for e.g : if i used gas for 4 time i put 1 pin on gas and the another pin at 4 and make the string connect. and i also don't have any idea why there is monday , tuesday at the button and in a very small font. later they told us that the data was meant to be flowing up and down as the line on the paper. but we totally didn't understand it and it end up turning a different thing. later we said to this group that this display must be big because it was so small one one person was able to complete this data.